Gooooood Morning Potty People!
Congratulations are in order, because this is our 20th Episode!
Yes, our blog technically cannot yet legally buy an alcoholic beverage… but our “fake id” is becoming much more convincing!
If you have read all of our blogs to this point, we cannot thank you enough – and this is your first time reading the blog, Welcome to the POTTY People!
How are we going to celebrate 20 Episodes? Great Question….
As our gift to you… We present to you… our BEST Episode Yet! (or at least enough to get you through this morning Bathroom visit!)
So sit back relax, and let’s get into it, as we travel to the far off land of Wildwood, New Jersey where we meet Kiley Holman!
It was yet another beautiful New Jersey Summer Day!
The Sun was shining, people swimming in the ocean, the local seagulls casually attacking visitors’ belongings…
Kiley decided to celebrate her friend, Georgia Reed’s 14th Birthday, and decided what better way to celebrate than going to Morey’s Pier, a local pier with carnival games and attractions!
On the Pier, the most popular ride is called the “Springshot” - which catapults 2 passengers into the air at speeds of over 75 Miles per hour!
Much like the name suggests, Kiley and Georgia strapped into the “Springshot” and after a short countdown… something truly unexpected happened
“When I got shot up, then I saw it. It was going the opposite way and then it came back and hit me right in the face,” Kiley told local news station WPVI.
Thankfully, aside from a small scratch, both Kiley and the Seagull were both perfectly okay after the incident!
Georgia’s Mom, Alena Reed, who witnessed their epic ride said “We did not know what happened until they got off. We did see feathers falling from ride, but at first, I assumed they were tickets”
We told you this was going to be a good episode… Let’s Slingshot into this week’s POTTY Picks!
This week, the internet was once again going absolutely crazy for the Robots at Boston Dynamics!
You may remembers us choosing the dancing Robots of Boston Dynamics as the video of the week, back in Episode 11!
And while this week’s Video of the Week, has a little less pizzazz… it is equally fascinating (and terrifying)
Don’t believe us… watch for yourselves:
For those of you that would like to learn more about Boston Dynamics and their robotic creations, 60 Minutes did a fantastic piece on them that you can also watch here (you are welcome!)
We have been loving the music coming out this Summer, but turning on the car radio and hearing Harry Styles “Watermelon Sugar” for the 149th time today is a bit much…
To celebrate our 20th Episode, we are adding 5 of our absolute favorite Party Songs of all time!
These are the songs that get you away from the Prime Rib station, and on your feet on the dance floor at your cousins wedding.
We know... you aren’t the best dancer… but who cares – this is your absolute JAM and you are dancing!
This week, we feature music from: Daft Punk, Duck Sauce, Calvin Harris, The Killers, and Avicii!
For this week’s Bathroom Moment of the Week, we figured since it was our 20th Episode, we had to choose something fantastic… and lucky for you we believe we found it!
We here at POTTYMINTS love Musical Theater!
Don’t believe us, Suzanna (the creator of POTTYMINTS), originally went to college for “Costume Design” and her and her brother Matthew, helped to found their High Schools musical theater program!
Well… for this week’s Bathroom moment of the week, we present to you a video called “How to Use a Public Restroom” by Schmoyoho!
Trust us, it’s a good one!
Thank you so much for reading this weeks, “Potty Time with POTTYMINTS!”
As we have said before, we truly couldn’t be more appreciative to you all for your continued support for both the Blog, and POTTYMINTS!
We know you have a lot of options as to what you can do on your computer or on your phone, and the idea that you voluntarily decided to use that time to read a Bathroom Blog is truly remarkable!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
As you know, we like to conclude our blogs with a quote that will hopefully motivate us or provide something to think about for the week ahead!
This week, we feature a quote on being yourself from American Essayist and Poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson!

We hope you all have a fantastic week ahead, we hope you enjoyed this weeks blog!
We will see you next week on an all new episode of Potty Time with POTTYMINTS!