A Very Spoooooooooky Morning Potty People!
Welcome to our Halloween Edition of “Potty Time with POTTYMINTS!”
While most of us opted to skip Halloween last year entirely, and instead stay inside and eat a tub of Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream…
This year… we feel we have to make up for lost time!
So let’s take off those N95 Masks… and put on our Halloween Masks because it’s time to get into it!
For this week’s Main Story, we go to Stone Oak, Texas where we meet the Dinote family!
It all began last year during the quarantine, when the Dinote family decided to provide a little levity for their kids and their neighbors during a difficult time…
As a joke they propped up a skeleton against a lawn mower, making it seem as though the Skeleton was pushing it
It brought so much joy to their neighborhood they expanded their skeleton family!
So this year for Halloween 2021, new scenes have four adults, one kid-size, one dog, and one piranha-like fish.
Every morning a brand-new scene is assembled with a bit of prep work the night before.
Check out some of the incredibly creative funny scenes they have created!
"Couples Yoga"
"An Homage to Bob Ross!"

"One Flag" Amusement Park
"Badminton Game"

"The Great Bone-Zini"

"Spa Day"

It's Official... the Dinote Family has won Halloween! Bravo!
Let’s give ‘em pumpkin to talk about… in this week’s POTTY Picks!
While there are many videos to choose from this week, we decided to feature a video that has garnered a bit of a cult following…
Of course, we are referring to the Saturday Night Live Sketch with Tom Hanks playing his infamous role as David S. Pumpkins
For those of you that have never seen this sketch, it is a must watch! We don’t know why… but we simply cannot look away!
We decided to keep the spooks going with this weeks POTTY Picks!
We decided to choose 5 of our favorite Halloween songs for this week!
Perfect for getting ready to go trick or treating with your kids, The Uber Ride over the Halloween Party you are going to, or even a soundtrack while you eat a tub of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream alone in your apartment… all are acceptable!
This week, we feature 5 Spooky tunes from: Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Brittney Spears, Stevie Wonder and Duran Duran!
What’s not to love about Justin Bieber and Ellen DeGeneres?
(I mean come on… Her last name is literally said like the word “Generous”)
While we know where Justin gets his Peaches, his weed, and his light… it appears Bieber neglected to mention where he gets his Bathroom Scares… which brings us to this week’s Bathroom Moment of the Week!
We take you back before the Ellen show allegations, before Justin Bieber was married… During the mask less days of 2015 for this incredibly funny prank!
Thanks to all you Ghouls and Goblins for tuning into this weeks Potty Time with POTTYMINTS!
As you know, we conclude all of our blogs with a quote that we can all use as a source of inspiration for the week ahead.
Since so much of Halloween is about being “Afraid” or Scared – we figured we would give you a quote about why those feelings are perfectly okay!
This weeks profound quote comes from Spanish novelist, Carlos Ruiz Zafron!
“Don't be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Thank you all again for reading this week’s blog!
See you next week for an all new episode of Potty Time with POTTYMINTS!
Happy Halloween!